If content is not just king, but the entire kingdom, the right words can open doors, and the wrong ones can slam them shut. This rule applies to email deliverability too. Email deliverability is influenced by a myriad of factors, and one of the most crucial among them is content. Yes, the content of your email can make or break your email deliverability. This is how:

The Subject Line and Body of the Email

Think of the subject line as the curb appeal of a house—it’s the first thing your recipient sees, and it can be the deciding factor between an open or a delete. A catchy, relevant subject line can dramatically increase your open rates. But beware of spammy language. Words like ‘free’, ‘buy now’, ‘limited offer’ can trigger spam filters and send your email straight to the junk folder.

Next, the body of your email. This is where you need to provide value. The more engaging and relevant your content, the more likely your email is to be opened and read. But again, avoid spammy language. Also, keep your content concise and to the point. Nobody likes to read a novel in their inbox.

Images and Multimedia

Images and multimedia can also affect your email deliverability. While they can make your email more engaging, they can also increase the load time and trigger spam filters. Think of it like trying to watch a video on a slow internet connection—frustrating, right? Too many large images or videos can cause your email to load slowly, leading to a poor user experience and potentially getting your email flagged as spam.

To avoid this, use images and multimedia sparingly. Make sure that the files you include are optimized for quick loading without compromising quality. Always provide alternative text (alt text) for images, so even if they don’t load, the recipient knows what was intended to be there. This is especially important for accessibility, ensuring that all users, including those with visual impairments, can understand your content.

Moreover, consider the placement of your multimedia elements. Place key information in text format to ensure it’s seen immediately, even if images are blocked by default in the recipient’s email client. Also, test your emails across different devices and email clients to ensure they look great everywhere. Remember, the goal is to enhance the message, not overshadow it with flashy graphics.

Mobile-Friendly Response

Ensuring your email is mobile-friendly isn’t just a nice-to-have—it’s a necessity. Think of it like ordering a coffee to go: you want it quick, convenient, and easy to handle. A mobile-friendly design ensures that your content is easily readable on any device, which can significantly improve your email’s performance. This includes using responsive design techniques that adjust the layout according to the screen size, larger fonts for better readability, and clear, tappable links that are easy to click with a thumb.

Imagine you’re on a crowded train, juggling your morning commute and trying to catch up on emails. The last thing you want is to pinch and zoom to read a tiny font or accidentally click the wrong link because they were too close together. When your emails are designed with mobile users in mind, they become a breeze to read and interact with, whether your audience is on a smartphone, tablet, or any other device.

Also, consider the length and structure of your emails. Mobile readers appreciate concise, straightforward content that gets to the point quickly. Break up your text with short paragraphs, bullet points, and clear headings. This not only makes your email more digestible but also ensures that key information is easily accessible at a glance.

By making your emails mobile-friendly, you cater to the modern reader’s needs, ensuring higher engagement rates. Your messages are more likely to be read and acted upon, whether your audience is on the go or lounging at home. 

The Secret Sauce

So, now you know it. The secret to email deliverability is not some complex algorithm or expensive tool. It’s your content. The right content can open doors, engage your audience, and ensure your emails reach their intended destination. So, next time you’re crafting an email, remember the power of content. It might just be the game-changer you’ve been looking for.